UPDATE 10/12/2018
GIP - Gestão Integrada de Projectos, é um sistema de gestão operacional que se desenvolve para além dos tradicionais modelos centralizados apenas na execução, prazo, custo e lucro.
O conceito GIP (por influência da Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management) cultiva o exercício de gestão com base na cooperação inter-disciplinar que acaba por gerir todo o processo em duas fases nucleares que se complementam — Fase de Projecto e Fase de Execução.
É na Fase Inicial de Projecto (front-end) que temos a melhor oportunidade de contribuir para a qualidade do Projecto/Obra, particularmente no campo da selecção e compatibilidade técnica dos materiais e sistemas, com foco no desempenho higrotérmico, acústico e 'eco-nómico' dos elementos construtivos.
Neste contexto, procuramos contribuir para a implementação de um sistema construtivo tecnicamente consensual, minimizar a dependência das aparelhagens de aquecimento e arrefecimento, simplificar a reversibilidade dos materiais através do design, optimizar os princípios da “eco-nomia” circular e da qualidade de vida de uma forma geral.
Cultivamos a necessidade da criação de pontes de comunicação e cooperação entre as diversas estruturas técnicas e operacionais, procurando, de início, um relacionamento interdisciplinar coerente entre investigadores, arquitectura, especialidades, sistema construtivo, equipas de execução, segurança e prioridades ambientais.
Influências: fradical.pt; LNEC; ISEL; U Minho; U Aveiro; IST; FAUP; FEUP; UCL-Bartlett School of Construction and Project Mgt; UCL-Energy Institute; TechLimits VectorWorks Portugal; Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute; Built Positive; Ellen MacArthur Foundation; The Upcycle; Artur, Maria, Martinho; Bill Evans; Maria João Pires; Fernando Távora; Siza Vieira; Systems Thinking; Misfits fellowship.
AF 2018

Integrated Management of Projects
the entire project life cycle | front-end to down-stream execution
The Integrated Management of Projects core focus is to cooperate with well designed architecture from the start, where value is determined; understand the context from which the project will flow; cooperative leadership of the entire life cycle — front-end to construction execution.
Understanding thermal bridges as a basal condition to think on energy use and comfort for all; to define a radical selection of materials, products and processes, in balance with the environment and the cradle to cradle standards.
We welcome the operational practitioners initiative to approach book-based understanding and develop habits of research, which helps to vanish relationship barriers, improve better communication with researchers — and bring more 'intellectual weight' to the field.
I am interested in opportunities to get involved and cooperate with sponsors, designers, labs, industry and practitioners, in the field of architecture, engineering, construction and landscape projects, refocus our attention on energy use in buildings and regenerative growth.. and celebrate success — in a relational context with the structures and the culture.
We maintain and nourish our appetite for collaboration, communication and commitment to create value — when delivering architecture projects to the field.
"We are reporting and demonstrating the importance in the development of strategic design considering that more than 80% of the life-cycle environmental impact of a product is typically determined at the design stage." (EU Commission).
Influencers: fradical.pt; LNEC; U Minho; U Aveiro; IST; FAUP; FEUP; UCL-Bartlett School of Construction and Project Mgt; UCL-Energy Institute; TechLimits VectorWorks Portugal; Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute; Built Positive; Ellen MacArthur Foundation; The Upcycle; Artur; Maria; Martinho; Bill Evans; Maria João Pires; Fernando Távora; Siza Vieira; Systems Thinking; Misfits fellowship.
AF 2018